Friday, January 2, 2009

Ow. Stupid New Year.

No, I didn't wake up with a hangover yesterday - it was worse. I woke up with good intentions. It wasn't even so much that I made the usual slew of resolutions (not my usual slew, just the general slew), I just wanted to actually do something with all of the excess energy inexplicably in my possession.

So what did I do? I certainly didn't go for a run, because despite the gorgeous 70-degree weather outside I had no desire to do anything that drastic. No, I clipped on my trusty pedometer and started walking around my apartment while watching the Tournament of Roses parade. Was I doing sympathetic exercise with all those marchers? Maybe, in retrospect. When I got bored of the walking I started doing some marching stuff, after all, and then some squats and even a bit of jigging (oh yes, you know you're jealous), and I even did some fun/silly arm stuff. In total, my pedometer told me that if I'd actually gone outside and moved in a linear fashion, I would have done about 3 miles. Ah well, perhaps another day. All that activity did wear me out a bit, and I felt a lot less agitated than I had before, so mission accomplished.

Until this morning.

I slept about 10 hours last night and woke up feeling nice and refreshed, except for all that aching. My first thought, clearly, was that I had somehow contracted Meningitis, but it turns out it was just normal post-exercise muscle ache. Heh. Goes to show you how long it's been since I did anything like that, eh? Maybe I should keep going, not as a New Year's Resolution, but as a way to ward off the atrophying that was my main hobby for the 4th quarter of 2008. I don't have any resolutions so far for this year, but after last year's semi-successful one ("Meh, f*ck it" - an attempt to stop sweating the small stuff and a gleeful confirmation of my intention to keep swearing like a sailor), maybe I should give it a go. After all, the semi-success was by far the most successful resolution I've ever made at this time of year.

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