Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Game

The game is played thusly: my staffing/temp agency calls me just before my alarm is set to go off, and to win, I must either answer or call them back before they get someone else to do the temp assignment. Now, because I am a fairly light sleeper and live down the block from a very conscientious fire station, I sleep with ear plugs in, and as these ear plugs by necessity must be so strong that they prevent me from hearing screaming sirens, they also completely obliterate the noise of a cell phone ringing. The second hurdle is that I am (I've been told by roommates) completely incomprehensible when I first wake up, so returning the call immediately is not a good or productive idea. Left alone, I can sound relatively normal in 20 minutes, but with some serious voice exercises I can get that time down to 5 minutes. At the same time across town, the temp agency is furiously working to get someone else into that temp job before I can call back.

So far this week, they have two points, and I have zero.

Tomorrow, though, I'll be prepared and get up even earlier than today. That'll pretty much guarantee that they won't call, but I think if I lose any more points they'll take me off the books.

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