Monday, January 12, 2009


Unemployment is a great opportunity to learn new things and to take up or further hobbies. One fairly inexpensive hobby that helps me fill a few hours is knitting, (yes, I am apparently an 80-year-old woman) and since I like to knit while, say, watching TV, I prefer to make baby blankets because once the pattern is established, I don't need to pay much attention. I actually haven't knitted much recently, but I did finally finish this blanket:

The pattern is called "Tree of Life," and you can see it a bit better in the detail shot:

And as I was putting away this finished product, I came across some older blankets that I keep meaning to donate to charity. First, an experiment in a simple weave pattern:

Next is a blanket I've done twice now, once in pink and this time in seafoam green. Oddly, I think I like the seafoam better for the pattern.

And despite what you just saw, the next one is absolutely the girliest thing I have ever created. Ever.
Note the leaf-pattern edging:

Yep, that's the good stuff.

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