Friday, February 6, 2009

Coping Mechanism: Flowers!

I've stopped drinking any form of designer coffee entirely. (I used to work right above an Au Bon Pain, which means that this was a rather major behaviour change.) And once I got over the shakes, it's been quite nice just making do with tea at home. At the start of this experiment I started noting how many times I'd WANT a coffee and didn't get it, and having totalled all of that up? Man, I wasted a lot of money on coffee.

The wise thing to do here is to save all that money. But if you live like a total miser, you will eventually become evil and depressed, so I'm trying to counter that by scouting out things that cost about the same amount as a latte, but last for much, much longer. So Laurie, though I don't have a Trader Joe's locally, I'm totally on board this trend: flowers!

All of the bunches here are under $7 (though the tea roses are two separate bunches all stuffed into a trifle stand). Obviously, the only proper vase I have is the square one with the white tulips in -- did you know that you can put tulips in an oddly-shaped vase like that, and they'll pitch themselves up towards the light? Clever little buggers... Anyhow. Don't buy a vase unless you can find one cheap, just use whatever you've got in the kitchen (see: jug, trifle dish).

I can't tell you how much my mood's improved since buying these. Go buy flowers immediately! Or a plant! Or both!

Bar that, clean the house while jamming to the tragically danceable Bale Remix. I have no take on the source material, but man, the remix is catchy...


  1. incidentally, i love that your apartment looks (appropriately) like a grown-up lives there. mine looks like on-campus housing. :-)

  2. Mine only looks like a grown-up lives there because my terrifyingly wonderful, efficient aunt came to stay. She chose my paint colour and rearranged the room. Before her arrival, I'd "tested" multiple shades on the white wall, gotten frustrated, and then graffiti'd the whole thing.

    Also, I had the unusual benefit of having to sell off all my furniture each time I leave a country, so I started with a totally clean slate -- no need to incorporate gifts or sentimental college stuff!

    Besides. You've got that groovy checkerboard kitchen, which I'm endlessly jealous about.
